Archive for April, 2011

no, we aren’t dead or broken up

Posted in News on April 7th, 2011 by Ben – Be the first to comment

listen, we’re working. maybe its at a slow pace but we are working. kev’s got his dental practice, matt & ben have management to worry about, and andrew’s got deadlines.
but seriously, we are almost done writing the next record. srsly. it’ll be a lot like the last one: a few two and a half minute burners that feel epic. but it will also be really fresh: obtuse three parters/mini concept ep’s within one “song.”
bear with us as we find the right arrangements and continue to play shows.

SHOWS!!! we have one coming up Sunday, May 22nd at our 2nd practice space, the Melody Inn with a flat out awesome post-dance band called Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun. ben’s old band thin fevers played with them and granted, the turnout was shit, but they fucking ruled so dont miss out. awesome flyer to come out soon a la whenever the next issue of Interview magazine hits the mailbox. Warhol was a genius. dont you think?